Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why don't I go to St. Johns more?

First, you have to take this awesome bridge to get there...
Once you're there: hit a $4 flick at the beautiful St. Johns theater
(not to be confused with the McMennamins theater!)
with a before/after drink at SLIMS across the street.
then walk past a bunch of defunct storefronts and barber shop

and get some healthy homestyle grub at PROPER EATS
which also has this cute little co-op in the front:

why not dessert at this funky gelato place?
(...hopefully it will be open next time -
I really liked the looks of this joint!)

....and don't forget to stop inside Pattie's Homeplate Café
just for the sheer insanity of it all.
(note: be prepared to smell like grease when you leave)

more to come on our next visit!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

a haiku to my favorite chocolate: fleur de sel

Dearest Fleur de Sel
sitting pretty in my palm
I shall eat you now

Salty residue
sits on the tip of my lip
a sweet memory

* collage a la "tuesday nite art nite" and old 70's magazines

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Oysterville is truly a time capsule from the 1800's
It's on the Washington Coast on a long strip of land
You can go to the church which was built in 1892
and get a walking map:

A strange and wonderful place.
Just North of Astoria OR
this is the beautiful bridge you take to get there:

Sunday, February 1, 2009

le pigeons

I'm not a fan of pigeons at all really
except maybe when they are sitting all together like so.
I had a guy kill a pigeon in my attic once
because it tortured me every morning with gurgling "coos"
and because their poop is super toxic and gross.
bye bye pigeon...